15% Quote Reduction from Competior Quotes. Email Sales@TS-Controls.com for more infomation!

TS Controls

Contact Us


Appointments for the time being are only done virtually by appointment only or at the customer site. We apologize for the inconvience, however with us being a startup it is necessary to keep overhead low until we reach our goals for our operating budget to facilitate a brick and mortar office. Until that time everyone is working remotely and at customer sites.

Most customers seem to prefer this as we pass the cost savings on to them and with the Engineers and Technicians being onsite much more of the time it allows for a much more fluid process from realizing there is a problem to be solved to actually solving it.

On-Site Visits

In order to best serve our clients, on site visits are a must. Prior to and during the Project. Sometimes even after completion to ensure client satisfaction. With this in mind we do our best to equip our personell with all the PPE required to go on-site. If your site has specific PPE requirements outside of the norm, please reach out and let us know so we can be better prepared.

  • Safety is always First.
  • Customer Site Assessment for Customer Requirements Completed.
  • RFQ's to be provided prior to on-site visit.
  • Quotes to be provided post on-site visit.
  • Scheduling and Timeline provided post on-site visits.