15% Quote Reduction from Competior Quotes. Email Sales@TS-Controls.com for more infomation!

About Us

Who we are at TS Controls

Our Vision for the Future

To become an Industry Leader in Controls and Automation by providing the skills and personnel necessary to complete any task, anywhere. This will be quite the task and will take some time, but with the key people in place and key stake holders present I know TS Controls can make this happen.

Our best assests aren't the technology we possess, but the people we keep closest to us on a daily basis. The old cliche "You are the company you keep" is evident in every aspect of life. We seek only the best people with the best skillsets to make our company a soon to be Industry Leader not just locally, but nationlly as well.

Our Values

With our CEO being prior military he has taken a spin on the Air Forces Core Values. Integrity will always come first. We do not lie or exagerate to customers. Point. Blank. Period. We offer the best solutions at the best prices and will continue to do so without any outside influence trying to convince us otherwise. Service before self, if that means late nights at the office for our leadership team, making customer appointments that seem unreasonable, etc, we will do whatever it takes to make sure the end result is your success, afterall the customer's success is our success. Finally, Excellence in all we do. This should be seen from introduction to conclusion of a project. We don't just show up expecting a paycheck like much of the working class does today. We are results driven. We make solutions happen!

  • Integrity First
  • Service before Self
  • Excellence in all we do


TS Controls no longer partners with TALOS Automation. For more information please email sales@ts-controls.com.

New Customers will recieve a 15% quote reduction from the lowest competitor quote. Please email sales@ts-controls.com with the competitor quote and scope to discuss this option!